"And ahh that full bellied moon, she's a-shinin' on me"

The Moon XVIII.jpg

One thing I love about tarot is that, if you don't quite get the message you're supposed to hear, it will find a way to reach you again.  Sometimes it comes by means of a different card with a similar theme/meaning.  Sometimes it comes to you in the exact same card, several times in a row.  (If you are unfamiliar with tarot, the chances of getting the same card are 1/78.  Every single card in a deck is different.)

The latter part is myself and The Moon right now.

I had full intentions to make my next tarot related post about a different card.  Tarot had different intentions.  The last two times I've pulled cards for myself, the Moon has decided to come out.  I know enough by now to not to question the odds any further, and get more personal with Ms. Moon.

I've always seen the Moon as a slow unveiling.  As its ghostly glow rises, it gives hints of illumination, but the full picture remains to be unseen.  I think in many of us, that unknown, or the mystery that the Moon keeps can easily send us to a place of fear.  There are long shadows in moonlight, but that does not mean we should stay in fear of what's still in the dark.  

When I spend more time with the Moon, I understand that she is giving us messages.  We have to be still enough to hear them.  If we are focused on what we cannot see, we are not in the stillness necessary to receive them.  The Moon whispers.  She will not shout at you.  If you miss her message it will come around again.  

However, while waiting, if you do not remain open, and strain for that exact same message, in the time it takes for her to come around again, not only will you have missed opportunities for growth, but that same message might not be as relevant.  

When we are in the stillness and understand her quiet ways, we also hear the deeper parts of ourselves.  Our intuition.  The Moon reminds us that when we connect to that part of ourselves, we are connecting to her.  

I choose to make a commitment to the Moon.  To listen, and not expect.  To let life surprise me, instead of scare me.  To connect to that part of myself, and value it, as much as her.

Take three deep breaths,




Some credits:

Title song lyrics by Gregory Alan Isakov, "That Moon Song."  Pictures of the The Moon cards are from The Wild Unknown Tarot and Shadowscapes Tarot